Tag Archives: Muslims

Divided We Fall

It is an age old story. An old man summoned his sons and gave them a bundle of sticks to break. None could break a stick in the bundle. And then, the old man untied the bundle, and gave a stick to each son, which was easily broken by everyone.
Its such a common story that I am sure everyone on the planet have read or heard it before. Unfortunately, the story and its moral is forgotten by every Islamic country in the world, just as the orders about good deeds in the Holy Qur’an are forgotten. Muslims united under the guidance of prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) more than fourteen centuries ago. United, Muslims ruled much of the known world in the next few centuries, though the seeds of divisions among Muslims were sown, not long after prophet Muhammad’s (Peace be upon him) death. History is full of battles and betrayals among Muslim rulers. Consequently, they lost the power over the world because of their divisions.
There is a famous saying in English language, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Islamic countries have been making fools of themselves for centuries. They experienced glorious times at the height of Umayya and Abbassi caliphates. And they went through rough times when those and other Islamic empires fell. They did not learn any lesson from that turbulent ride of power. Even after so many centuries and so many defeats because of their divisions, they are still divided, to this day.

There are at least 47 countries where Muslims are in majority. Almost every one of these countries has hatred for other Islamic countries in its region. Libya is the latest case in point. When the coalition of Christian countries, predominantly the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and France, attacked Libya shamelessly and unprovoked, none of the forty seven Islamic states had the courage or the desire to stand up for one of their own. In the recent history, Libya is the third Islamic country directly attacked by the coalitian of Christian countries, after Iraq and Afghanistan. Muslims around the world have rightfully, started asking, who is next. But whoever it is, rest assured, the rest of the Islamic countries will turn a blind eye, until its their turn.

(Just daydreaming..         All Islamic countries could put their militaries on high alert, informing the coalition of Christian countries that an attack on Libya or any other Islamic country will be considered as an attack on all Islamic countries. And that, Libya should be left alone to deal with her problems herself, just like any other country in the world. What would they do. Start the third world war? But again, like I said, Just daydreaming!)